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Exceed your quota
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10X your time
Build relationships

Meeting Intel

Know everything about a prospect and company

before you meet for $10/month

Research in seconds!

Be well-prepared with everything you need to know before your sales meeting. From a prospect’s employment history to company details, establish rapport and save 10+ hours monthly to focus on crushing your quota.


Faster Insights: Equip your team with essential client data for impactful pitches.
Better Preparation: Streamline prep time to boost strategic sales and productivity.
Cheaper Rapport Building: Use key insights to strengthen and personalize client relationships more economically.
A cute astronaut sitting on a small rocket ship

$10 / user / month

That's less than the cost of a Venti Triple Shot Espresso Latte and hours saved! 😀

What's Your Time Worth

Monthly Time Saved
Cost Savings
Meetings per week
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Accelerate Efficiency with Shuttle

See how our customers are using Shuttle’s Meeting Intel agent to rapidly increase their efficiency on the daily ↓

An animated astroid, grey in color

“Shuttle's B2B meeting intel allows me to build deeper relationships while saving me time before all meetings.”

John Kim
Co-Founder, SendBird

“Shuttle’s platform is a unique personalized approach to AI Assistants, helping everyone get more done faster.”

Gabriella Brignardello
Investor, Fika Ventures

“I've reclaimed hours of my week. It's not just a tool; it's my productivity partner. Which has helped me closed business.”

Alex Haro
Co-Founder, Life360

Want to learn more?

Our team is ready to answer any questions etc... ↓

Data Privacy

What data is used:
Calendar event information, guest email addresses
How we use it:
Guest emails are used to match professional profiles
What is stored:
History of your meetings and the profiles of the guests
How long is it stored:
Currently 6 months

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